Labor Autonome Systeme
Autonomous Systems
Profile and objectives
The Autonomous Systems Laboratory provides infrastructure for software projects. It complements the courses "SoftwareEngineering I", "SoftwareEngineering II", "Object-Oriented Software Development (Lecture+Laboratory)" and Project 2 in the Bachelor programmes, as well as KILaboratory and Project in the Master programme Computer Science.
Current projects:
- Audi Autonomous Driving Cup: self-driving cars
- Future Mobility Cup: Selbstfahrende Autos
- Menschen Lernen Maschinelles Lernen: BMBF Forschungsprojekt im IMLA
- RoboCup: soccer playing robots
- Sweaty: self-built bipedal robot (together with mechanical and process engineering as well as media and information Technology)
Finalized projects:
- Attractive: Transportation Optimization (BMBF)
- Codie: Distributed execution of software in a cluster
- SimManager: Realization of RoboCup football tournaments

- 1 Nao Roboter
- 1 Pepper Roboter (gemeinsam mit anderen Laboren)
- 10 Zumi Roboter
- 3 Audi Cup Fahrzeuge 1:8
- 6 PC für Simulation und Machine Learning
- Versionsverwaltung: Git
- Modellierung: Visual Paradigm (SE)
- Entwicklung: Eclipse, IntelliJ
- Automation: Gitlab
- Fehlerverwaltung: Gitlab
Internships and Tutorials
Praktikum Einführung in die KI (AKI 1)
Praktikum Autonome Systeme (AKI 4/ MKA 6)
Praktikum-KI (INFM 1)