Administrative offices

Student Office

Bachelor-Programmes: Electrical Engineering / Information Technology (EI), Electrical Engineering / Information Technology plus (EI-plus) and Medical Engineering (MT)

Master-Programmes: Vocational Training in Electrical Engineering / Information Technology (EI-BB), Electrical Engineering / Information Technology (EIM), Computer Science (INFM) and Medical Engineering (MTM)

Klein, Mathias
  • Room: B119
  • Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg
  • Mo.: 9-12 Uhr, Di.: 9-12 Uhr und 13-14 Uhr, Do.: 9-12 Uhr und 13-14 Uhr. Persönliche Terminabsprache auf Anfrage

Bachelor-Programmes: Applied Artificial Intelligence (AKI), Mechatronics (MK), Mechatronis plus (MK-plus) and Computer Science in Economics plus (WIN-plus)

Master-Programmes: Master Mechatronics and Robotics (MMR), Vocational Training Mechatronics (MK-BB) and Vocational Training in Computer Science/Economics (IW-BB)

Einstiegssemester startING

Huck, Judith
  • Room: A007
  • Badstraße 24, 77652 Offenburg

Communication and Media Engineering (CME)